- Nov 3, 2021
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- 7
I just finished a first edition (v1.0) of a new Honey Select 2 Sex Robot Control plugin.
I was the author of the original Honey Select Robot Control plugin called HSRobotControl.
This new plugin, HS2_SexRobotControl was basically done from the ground up and didn't use much of the old plugin. I had to learn and implement BepInEx, Harmony, and a host of other cool stuff to get it working. Funny thing is I only just started working on it this morning when I woke up, so this is only a good day's worth of work, most of which was testing/debugging lol. Needless to say, it works, and can be heavily improved upon in the future
I just put the HS2_SexRobotControl plugin on github, along with the Arduino ESP32 firmware for the 'micro-OSR2' open source sex robot called HS2_SexRobotControlFirmware (based heavily on TempestVR's great open source OSR2+ sex robots).
When I can finally post links on here I will, for the meantime, enjoy the attached videos of the plugin in operation!
All in all I just wanted to share the info/code with everyone (soon when I can link) in case it could be useful to anyone out there!
I was the author of the original Honey Select Robot Control plugin called HSRobotControl.
This new plugin, HS2_SexRobotControl was basically done from the ground up and didn't use much of the old plugin. I had to learn and implement BepInEx, Harmony, and a host of other cool stuff to get it working. Funny thing is I only just started working on it this morning when I woke up, so this is only a good day's worth of work, most of which was testing/debugging lol. Needless to say, it works, and can be heavily improved upon in the future
I just put the HS2_SexRobotControl plugin on github, along with the Arduino ESP32 firmware for the 'micro-OSR2' open source sex robot called HS2_SexRobotControlFirmware (based heavily on TempestVR's great open source OSR2+ sex robots).
When I can finally post links on here I will, for the meantime, enjoy the attached videos of the plugin in operation!
All in all I just wanted to share the info/code with everyone (soon when I can link) in case it could be useful to anyone out there!