[S> Other] Unpaid Idle CPU cycles available

Mar 2, 2020
My desktop frequently sits idle. Maybe it can take some computing burden off of you. I'm thinking it would be most useful performing intensive tasks, such as rendering, but feel free to propose another use.

Preferred method of contact:
-PM or reply here

-Dependent on Idle CPU

Additional comments:
- Intel I7-6700K CPU
- 64GB RAM
- 8GB nVidia GeForce GTX 1080 GPU


Active Member
Jul 30, 2018
hey is your computer still available for some rendering?

Working om my environment for some scenes and the rendering is going to take a lot of time with my fairly crap laptop.

Its in blender using the cycles render engine (dont know if thats what you ment with cycles in your title).
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Mar 2, 2020
hey is your computer still available for some rendering?

Working om my environment for some scenes and the rendering is going to take a lot of time with my fairly crap laptop.

Its in blender using the cycles render engine (dont know if thats what you ment with cycles in your title).
I can assist with some rendering, sure.
Can you PM me a gmail address? I'll send you a link to my Google Drive, you can upload your .blend files there, they'll sync to my PC automatically, I'll render them, then upload the Completed Render and link you to it for viewing/downloading.

I'm using Blender 2.79a with Factory Default Settings, and will export the animations as MPEG-4 Files with 192kb AAC if audio files are present. Using Medium/Medium Presets. Let me know if you'd like the output in a different format or with different settings.

I'm working on a way to automate the process using a program called Folderspy and some simple scripting that I found in a . So for the time being, I'll have to render manually if that's OK.

Hope to hear from you soon, please let me know if you have any questions.


Active Member
Jul 30, 2018
Nice, but would it be possible for you to upgrade to blender 2.82? I will have a lot night scenes which requires an absurd amount of samples to get all the noise out. Blender 2.82 has a new Denoise-node in the composition which is much better then the denoise stuff in 2.79 (old denoiser removes to much detail) and it reduced the amount of samples needed by like 80%.

Animations aren't directly rendered to a video file btw. It renders each frame as a separate picture and you got to combine them together. It's properly easier if you just send the pictures back and let me figure out the settings myself.

Anyway I will try to get the scene ready tomorrow and send it to you then.
Mar 2, 2020
Nice, but would it be possible for you to upgrade to blender 2.82? I will have a lot night scenes which requires an absurd amount of samples to get all the noise out. Blender 2.82 has a new Denoise-node in the composition which is much better then the denoise stuff in 2.79 (old denoiser removes to much detail) and it reduced the amount of samples needed by like 80%.

Animations aren't directly rendered to a video file btw. It renders each frame as a separate picture and you got to combine them together. It's properly easier if you just send the pictures back and let me figure out the settings myself.

Anyway I will try to get the scene ready tomorrow and send it to you then.
Got Blender 2.82 with a Full Install Locked and Loaded.
And I'll Render the scene frames as PNG files for you.

Was going to upload as a .7z archive for ease of upload/upload size considerations/If you had multiple scenes (or multiple variants of a scene) you'd like rendered.

Look forward to hearing from you soon.


New Member
Feb 21, 2020
hey is your computer still available for some rendering?

Working om my environment for some scenes and the rendering is going to take a lot of time with my fairly crap laptop.

Its in blender using the cycles render engine (dont know if thats what you ment with cycles in your title).
Actually, im doing the same and just investigating engines now. contact me on discord (Call) Viscosity#2526 , Also been in gaming and IT for 24 years. Very Tech savy


Active Member
Jul 30, 2018
Actually, im doing the same and just investigating engines now. contact me on discord (Call) Viscosity#2526 , Also been in gaming and IT for 24 years. Very Tech savy
Thanks for the offer, but I doubt I can even work fast enough to take up most of the time of AbsolutDegenerate. You are better of offering your render service to somebody ells, i'm sure a lot of people wouldnt mind some help reducing their render times. Especially if you are offering Daz as well (not many people use blender on here).

When i start making animations where rendering is going to take much longer then actually creating the animations I might take you on that offer though :).