Tutorial Tool How to make beautiful GIF/webp animations in GIMP

Violet Flux

Sep 16, 2019

Hello everybody!

In this tutorial you'll learn how to make an animation GIF/webp from any video or still images.

1. Download Gimp for your platform

2. Download GAP

Linux's users can install GAP from distro's repo

3. Download and Install mpv

4. Open video file for extraction

Video -> Split Video into Frames -> Mplayer based extraction...

Screenshot from 2020-06-09 11-52-46.png

1 - Open the video you want to extract

2 - Set the approximate beginning time (also set the number of frames you want to extract)

3 - Leave this part empty

4 - Select the path for extracted frames

5 - Select the default JPEG format (you can increase the quality by setting "JPEG Quality" to 100)

☛ Uncheck the Mplayer 1.0pre5 option


5. Open your files as layer

File -> Open as Layers...

Screenshot from 2020-06-08 19-49-03.png


6. Resize your image to lower resolution (under 1000px is recommended)

Image -> Scale Image...

Screenshot from 2020-06-08 18-56-21.png

☛ Set the interpolation quality to "LoHalo"


7. Rearrange layers and set the timeline

Screenshot from 2020-06-08 19-54-15.png


:lepew: Use this part only for stills not frames extracted from video file
8. Blend layers together

Filters -> Animation -> Blend...

Screenshot from 2020-06-08 19-57-58.png


9. Optimize the animation

Filters -> Animation -> Optimize (Difference) good for webp

Filters -> Animation -> Optimize (for GIF)

:lepew: Skip this part if you want to export your animation as webp​

10. Convert the color mode

Image -> Mode -> Indexed...

Screenshot from 2020-06-08 18-55-55.png

Depend on your taste you can change the amount of colors will use in process

Set the dithering option to "Positioned Color Dithering"


11. Export your animation

:lepew: 100~120-millisecond delay is usually works fine otherwise test it for yourself to achieve best result​


Screenshot from 2020-06-08 20-02-27.png

Change the settings as screenshot shown above

As webp

Screenshot from 2020-06-08 20-01-52.png

Change the settings as screenshot shown above (you can lower the quality settings for faster export)


:lepew: Examples

webp made of stills
View attachment blaze-preggo.webp

GIF made of mp4 video (made by idemi)
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