[S> Other] [S>Proofreader] [S>Writer] Unpaid Hoping to break into the adult game space by offering my English expertise


New Member
May 12, 2020
-Proficient in English with a BA in the subject.
-Particularly skilled in linguistics; perfect for proofreading.
-Highly creative, with limited experience in several arts including music composition and creative writing.

Preferred method of contact:
-Email: [email protected]
-Discord: Webb#5486

Employment Type & Rates:
- Unpaid or Paid, subject to services requested. I'm not actively seeking compensation for work done. Rather, I'm hoping to build a portfolio by offering my services. As such, I do ask to be credited in some form. However I won't say no to pay and if you mean to take me on in a larger capacity, such as a writer on a large project, I may wish to discuss some small remuneration.

-Open availability with a largely flexible schedule.

Additional comments:
-I've long contemplated taking part in the incredibly interesting community of unique and personal works in the adult game space, though I never knew how I would contribute anything of any real value. But I am good at a few things and if there is a demand for them, then I mean to fulfill it. I greatly appreciate any interest you take in my services and look forward to an opportunity to prove myself and help to contribute to your game.

Please feel free to DM me on Discord or shoot me an email if you wish to discuss any offers or vet me on anything in particular.


New Member
May 12, 2020
Hello! I apologize, but I'm new to posting on the forum and I don't believe I meet whatever prerequisites there are for permission to PM people. If you could contact me through other means though, I'd be more than happy to discuss your project.