[Guide] Goblin Burrow

Sep 4, 2019
This is a guide to one of my favorite games called "Goblin Burrow" which is made by a Japanese gaming circle or developer called peperoncino who is currently associated with Kagura games on Steam and also sells their works through DLsite, a one stop hub for Japanese indie hentai games and all sorts of other goods.

This is a simulation/strategy game which is premised with managing a goblin hideout. Key game mechanics include a Sengogku Rance like battle format where you pick what goblins fight, a breeding pit to breed your fighters, item/buff collection, and varying maps to fight on, while also defending your base from attackers. Now, goblins are pretty weak, so you need to breed them with heroines with special abilities to make them stronger while also getting different types of goblins. I would say the battles and breeding management are the main focuses of the game.

Goblin Burrow [Estimated 31$]
(1.82 GB Zipped - 3.79 GB Unzipped)
The main game Goblin Burrow was released by peperoncino July 6, 2020. The main game's most recent update was in February 3rd, 2021.

The game is quite expansive with a myriad of DLC packs that have been released over a year since the original games release. I will cover all of the current DLC that have been released on DLsite by the developer and what they add to the game.

Despair Upgrade (August 3, 2020) [Estimated 1$]
Despair Upgrade
(1.0 GB Zipped - 2.07 BG Unzipped)
This DLC adds three new heroines and new a new map.

Fleshfloor Upgrade (August 31, 2020) [Estimated 1$]
Fleshfloor Upgrade
(918.5 MB Zipped - 1.80 GB Unzipped)
This DLC is added two new heroines and a new map. What is significant with this DLC is that one of the heroines uses an attack magic which is superior to any other in the game.

Devilkin Upgrade (October 5, 2020) [Estimated 1$]
Devilkin Upgrade
(635.7 MB Zipped - 1.25 GB Unzipped)
This DLC did not add any new heroines, but it did add some interesting new mechanics to the game such as:
- A very large map for farming items: (Huge)
- Wolves for goblins to ride
- Human shields to lose less goblins in battle (obtainable from new map)

Demihuman Upgrade (November 9, 2020) [Estimated 1$]
Demihuman Upgrade
(921.3 MB Zipped - 1.80 GB Unzipped)
- Adds two new heroines. No maps.
- Paige, the hobbit has a similar spell to Asteria's spell, but does the same damage (I think, it has the same 0.9 modifier)
- Adds succubus

Slut Corruption Upgrade (December 16, 2020)
(902.5 MB Zipped - 1.77 GB Unzipped)
- Adds two new heroines.
- New Story, endings, sex scenes, etc...

Burrowpedia + Language Upgrade (April 5, 2021)
(365.6 MB Zipped - 751 MB Unzipped)

Disclaimer: All the DLC must be bought in order for them to work. So you cannot just buy the Language upgrade pack without buying the previous 5 DLC that have been released.

Goblin Lair Layout
This section will look at the fundamentals of the lair layout so that you can successfully navigate with without being proficient in Japanese Kanji.
Goblin Lair Layout - English MTL

There are a number of buttons that you can see here. The top right buttons are responsible for saving, loading, and returning to the title screen. The top left displays the days and actions you can take within a day. NOTE, the game will end after 80 days (unless you captured Asteria from the 2nd DLC. In which case, it would be extended to 90 days). After the last day, a special ending could occur if you meet some of the requirements. Hints are given after each ending to help unlock the next ending. Once the game ends, you will be asked if you want to go back to the title or restart with the same base. (Will keep all goblins, items, and base stats. Will have to recapture all heroines though.) The bottom right has three buttons.
End Day Button Shows Stats of all captured heroines Trains and kills goblins for lair stats
The arrow like button just ends the day, so don't click it unless you are done and don't want to go out and battle. The handcuffs will show all of the statuses of your captured heroines. The angry face button basically kills some goblins to get one attribute wide bonus. On the bottom left, there are a couple of attributes. You can increase it by training and killing some goblins using the angry face button. As a rule of thumb, always pick the magic attribute. Generally, you only use this when your lair reaches maximum goblin capacity. You can tell when you cannot breed anymore.
Showing options for training. Highlighting magic power

Large Room:
This place is where you can assign your heroine with a goblin to breed and birth new goblins.
Heroine Selection Screen Goblin Selection Screen

Material Storage:
This is where you can set up and select items that can heal, block damage, or attack in the case of an attack on the goblin lair. Note, only three items can be deployed at a time.
Showing items that heal Showing items that block damage Showing items that attack

The Armory is where you set your goblin teams for offensive and defensive battles. Note, you cannot put two types of the same goblin within either the looting or defense team. (Cannot put two goblin lord leaders under the looting team)
Showing armory set up

Food Storage:
Food storage is where your food items are placed. They can be used on heroines and goblins to increase Sanity and to increase the attributes of goblins. However, you can only use food items on newly born goblins, not older ones. Once a day passes since they are birthed, they cannot be fed food items to buff their stats. There are four pages of items to keep note.
1605132941103.png 1605132982552.png 1605133013562.png 1605133044473.png
The items displayed here are obtained by clearing maps outside the goblin lair.

Note: The command food items are pretty useless, so use those foods to restore SAN value for Heroines.

Allows you to select a map and clear it. Note, it ends the day after clearing any map.

The combat in this game is pretty straight forward. While in your goblin lair, you can set teams for offense when going into a map and defense when people attack your goblin lair. However, the battle set-up for both are the same. When you go out and attack on different maps, you tend to have the first move, so its quite important on increasing your attack power. The opposite is true when you are being attacked. The enemy attacking your lair will have the first move, so you often lose the most goblins in lair defense battles.
An offensive battle on a 5 star map 1605134000191.png
There are six buttons to note in battles.
Automatic Battle Button Retreat Button Physical Attack Button Physical Defense Button Magic Spell button Looting Button
Starting from left to right, the first button is the auto battle button which will automatically battle for you. I tend to not use this as it doesn't seem to be very good. The second button is for retreat. Generally, retreat takes a turn or 2, so the enemy will still be able to attack while you are retreating, potentially wiping out a bulk of your forces. The third button is for physical attacks. Keep in mind, there is a range for this, so put your physical attacker in the first two groups instead of the back two. The button with the shield is for defense, although I rarely use it. The button with the fire on it allows you to use the spell or ability of your assigned goblin leader. The last button can only be used when the group has goblins, but it essentially gets an item from the field during their turn. (Good for early game).

NOTE: In the FapForFun Version, if you use the last button too often, it will crash the game for some reason. However, the DLsite paid version is completely bug free, so no worries there.

Breeding is perhaps the most important aspect of the game as it determines your goblins strengths and also can derive different types of goblins from the breeding process. This section will look over the important aspects to consider in the breeding process and some strategies to practice.

Goblin Types
There are six goblin types to consider. (From left to right. Goblin, Hobgoblin, Shaman, Goblin Champion, Goblin Paladin, Goblin Lord). Can also mouse over the icons for their names.
Goblin Hobgoblin Shaman Goblin Champion Goblin Paladin Goblin Lord
The goblin will be your most common type with every birth yielding a couple of goblins. They are more often used as fodder throughout the game though. You could theoretically rank them from Goblin (weakest) to the Goblin Lord (strongest), although realistically speaking, the shaman will be the most powerful in this guide since they use really OP magic. You could say the Goblin Champion is pretty useless since they can't use magic attacks. Generally, if you have a Hobgoblin breed with your heroine, they will birth Hobgoblins. The same can be applied to the rest of the other types.

Goblin Generation
In the game, every time you breed and birth new goblins, they are classified as a new generation of goblins; delineated by a number.
Shaman Generation Number
Here, you can see that this Shaman is generation 112. Depending on who you breed with, their stats and abilities change from dirt poor to really powerful.

Anvil (Heroine)
Anvil Full Status - English MTL
Anvil is the first heroine that a player will capture. She is quite important not only because she allows you to breed more goblins, but because of her stats and abilities will be useful later on in the game.
Anvil Stats (Japanese) Anvil Stats - English MTL
There are three things to keep in mind here.
- SAN value
- Magic Possession
- Heredity
SAN Value: Anvil here is the only Heroine in the game with an infinite SAN value. This essentially means that she will never commit suicide due to too much breeding. For any other heroine, their sanity value goes down every time you have goblins breed with them. If their SAN value goes below zero, they commit suicide. This makes Anvil a good starting heroine to create and lead every new generation of goblins.
Magic Possession: If the character can use magic, they will have a certain type of magic spell they can use. Anvil here has a healing magic ability. Thus, if you breed you goblins with no abilities with Anvil, the next generation of goblins will be able to use her ability. This applies to any type of magic. However, as I will elaborate later, you need to be careful on how you breed.
Heredity: Basically, every time a new generation or set of goblins are born from Anvil here, that specific heredity attribute will go up one point. In this case, Anvil has a magic attribute, meaning every time a new generation is born, an additional point to their magic attribute will be added.
Shaman Generation 63 Shaman Generation 123
Here, if you compare the two shamans, one has a significantly higher magic power attribute. the left is generation 63 while the right is generation 123. Since I had Anvil breeding with the newest generation of goblins, their magic power gradually increases due to her Magic heredity. Of course, other heroines have different heredities that contribute to different attributes for a goblin like attack power or defense power, however this guide prioritizes magic power. If you kill the enemy before they attack, then defense is useless.

Creating Goblins that Smash through Everything
To create strong and powerful goblins, there are five key characters to breed with to obtain their magic possession and heredity attributes.
- Anvil*
Magic Possession: Healing Track
Heredity: Magic
- Jada
Magic Possession: Secret of the Woods (Magic power*1)
Heredity: Defense
- Vivan
Magic Possession: Anger of the Tree (Magic Power*0.5)
Heredity: Defense
- Rikka
Magic Possession: Ice Prison Cathedral (Magic Power*0.7)
Heredity: Magic
- Asteria
Magic Possession: Windstorm Gale (Magic Power*0.9)
Heredity: Magic
Jada Vivian Rikka Asteria
Other than Anvil, the other four characters are in order of their power in terms of the magic ability they have. Starting with Jada, her Secret of the Woods Magic ability is technically the most powerful in the game. The spells power is based on the total magic power of that goblin times 1. For example, my shaman above had a magic power of 554. If it had the Secret of the Woods magic ability, it would cause 554 damage unless the enemy has some buff against magic. (most don't)

So you may ask, why should I eventually trade out Secret of the Woods for Vivian's Anger of the Tree? That is because Vivian's, Rikka's, and Asteria's spells attack all enemies on the field. Secret of the Woods only attacks one group of enemy. So while there is a trade off between power, you could potentially kill off the enemy before its their turn to attack. This is why Asteria's magic spell is so OP. It still attacks all the enemy troops while being the closest to the multiplier for Secret of the Woods spell. With Asteria's spell and my Shaman with 554 magic power, I can pretty much one shot everything in the game.

What is more, goblins and goblin champions are the only types that cannot use magic. So, if you had a team with a Goblin lord, goblin paladin, shaman, and hobgoblin, you could fire off this spell four times before the enemy has a chance to attack.

Breeding Strategy
With all of the information previously stated, lets get into creating your invincible goblin army.
Breeding Strategy before Asteria

When you are starting off, you won't have access to all of the heroines as you will be too weak to capture them, however you will have access to Jada fairly early on. So basically, you want Anvil to breed with the newest generation of goblins that does not have a second spell ability. This is really important for later on. Then, the older generation will be bred with either Jada, Vivian, or Rikka. This is so that whenever Jada, Vivian, or Rikka breed with the goblins, there won't be a chance for older previous abilities to overlap. This is because they will always be breeding with a goblin generation with no second magic ability.

Breeding Strategy After Asteria

However, once you do obtain Asteria with the most powerful magic ability Windstorm Gale, you will want to make it so all goblins have this magic ability, since this is the most powerful spell possible. So for the first time, you will want to contaminate the clean lead generation with only one spell to have two instead. Then, you will continue as practiced before and have Anvil breeding with the newest generation, however the difference is that all the new generations should only have the healing track and windstorm gale spell.

NOTE: General rule of thumb, use food items on goblins that are going to be used to impregnate heroine for better attributes.

Keeping the Goblins Clean
This has not been mentioned before, but there are heroines which do not possess magic spells or abilities. This is good for a couple of reasons. The first is that you can basically duplicate any goblin with any particular spell without polluting the offspring's with different than intended spells. So for example, after breeding a goblin with either Jada, Vivian, or Rikka, some other Heroine can be bred with those offspring and essentially duplicate them. (Note, their attributes may go up depending on heroine heredity).

For your information, I will list some heroine that don't posses any magic spell or ability.
- Ilari
- Elda (Fleshfloor DLC)
- Sayuki
- Dianna
- Melanie
Ilari Elda Sayuki Dianna Melanie

The game with all its DLC's has around 11 different endings which are usually unlocked by the end of the 80 (or 90) days in game. Unlocking them usually means driving certain heroines mind states into nasty. After breeding them with goblins enough times and their sanity lowers, their states change from....
Anvil Rejection State Anvil Kyojun (Intermediate) State Anvil Nasty State

Each of the 15 (22 with all DLC) heroines have three states like this for each type of goblin, and an ending may require two or more of the heroines to be in a nasty state by the end of the 80 (or 90) days. However, don't worry about how many times it takes, because you can keep doing a new+ game every time the game ends.

Note: To reach nasty state, the heroine has to lose a certain amount of SAN value without dipping below zero. So feed them food to restore sanity. State does not equal SAN value.

Changing System Locale
Pretty much all the games from DLsite or some from FapForFun will require your systems or settings to be in Japanese Locale. If you don't, your games won't work properly. If you pretty much go to any game on DLsite, there is a notice like below which pops up. Click on the "How can I set my system locale to Japanese?" button, and you can figure it out from there. I would do it here, but I already reached my maximum picture limit.
DLsite noticed from Goblin Burrow game page

Hopefully this guide helped you understand the game and what kind of strategy to go about.

NOTE: I used a interface translator called "Universal Game Translator". You should be able to find it. It uses google api translation services to do it. Its free (if you don't surpass 500,000 characters per month). Its clunky and not really user friendly, but its the best MTL service I tried yet. Also, random tip, but if you are having trouble selecting a portion of what you want translated (not picking selected area), then you have to go to your display settings and change the scale of the text (My text was set at 125%, the UGM needs to be set at 100%).

Have fun playing!

[Guide] Goblin Burrow I'll Borne
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New Member
Nov 26, 2020
Hey this is one if not one of the best games I have ever played of this category, however I am having issues with the upgrades (dlcs). Every time I try to upgrade the file or join it, it says the file cannot be accessed and is being used by another process I have tried for a few hours now to fix this and searched for many fixes however I have found none. Did you encounter the same issue or know any possible fixes?

(Edit) I somehow fixed it, I redownloaded everything in anew folder and I think that might have helped? I'm not exactly sure but I thought I would update this just in case so no one went on a wild goose chase for me. This game is amazing however and anyone who sees this post should def try it out.
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New Member
Oct 20, 2018
Thank you for the excellent guide! my favorite game too but I haven't try any of the DLC. I'll wait for the official english version I guess.

Crimson Delight Games

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Nov 20, 2020
Never even heard of this game, thanks for bringing it to our attention!

The goblins actually have good design that makes them personable.
Sep 4, 2019
Hey this is one if not one of the best games I have ever played of this category, however I am having issues with the upgrades (dlcs). Every time I try to upgrade the file or join it, it says the file cannot be accessed and is being used by another process I have tried for a few hours now to fix this and searched for many fixes however I have found none. Did you encounter the same issue or know any possible fixes?

(Edit) I somehow fixed it, I redownloaded everything in anew folder and I think that might have helped? I'm not exactly sure but I thought I would update this just in case so no one went on a wild goose chase for me. This game is amazing however and anyone who sees this post should def try it out.
Yeah, downloading and figuring out how to download the DLC was quite difficult at first cause the instructions aren't clear. But basically you download the DLC, unzip, then take a look in the folder. There should be this patch_#.xp3 file. You only take the specific patch.xp3 file that is relevant for the DLC you have download. For example, if you downloaded the Demihuman DLC which is their fourth DLC, then look inside the folder for the patch_4.xp3 file, copy, then paste it into the main folder. ONLY that file. Not everything else. Each DLC has a different patch file you need to paste into your main folder. Everything else is really unnecessary. Idk why they make you download everything, but you really only need to copy and paste the patch file from the DLC into the main folder. Also, if there are other patch files, make sure you select the correct one since they are empty. Like the Demihuman DLC file will have patch_1.xp3, patch_2.xp3, patch_3.xp3, and patch_4.xp3 and even a data.xp3 file. Only copy the patch_4.xp3 since the other are more like placeholders. They don't actually have the data for the other DLC's.


Sep 25, 2020
Great game with lots of scenes. Guys, I'm a bit confused. I see the wolf and meat shield icon when I click on barracks. How do I use them? Or does it automatically use itself?
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Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2020
Great game with lots of scenes. Guys, I'm a bit confused. I see the wolf and meat shield icon when I click on barracks. How do I use them? Or does it automatically use itself?
I wonder the same. Since you can see how many goblins you have I guess it shows how many girls you have too? But the wolfs I don't get then


Dec 18, 2020
hey i am working on a better english translation for goblin burrow. the mtl was kinda bad. didnt even get he/she correct and was full of broken english. i already have all the game over scenes, most heroine intros and capture scenes, and all of anvils scenes. where should i go about posting this. im kinda new to this site.

Succubus Hunter

Devoted Member
May 19, 2020
hey i am working on a better english translation for goblin burrow. the mtl was kinda bad. didnt even get he/she correct and was full of broken english. i already have all the game over scenes, most heroine intros and capture scenes, and all of anvils scenes. where should i go about posting this. im kinda new to this site.
I am unsure of where to post but I wanted to say that you are doing a great thing by creating this translation.


New Member
Jan 11, 2021
hey i am working on a better english translation for goblin burrow. the mtl was kinda bad. didnt even get he/she correct and was full of broken english. i already have all the game over scenes, most heroine intros and capture scenes, and all of anvils scenes. where should i go about posting this. im kinda new to this site.
Post it at the main forum of the game. You can even work with some of the existing translators who are still correcting scenes with MTL.


New Member
Oct 5, 2019
hello is there a specific requirement to trigger the appearance of some girls? because I still never got to meet zara, also some of the girls (usually that captured after they attack the nest) appears at late days (around 40-50 days) even thought they appear at early days before (around 5-12 days).


New Member
Mar 19, 2021
hello is there a specific requirement to trigger the appearance of some girls? because I still never got to meet zara, also some of the girls (usually that captured after they attack the nest) appears at late days (around 40-50 days) even thought they appear at early days before (around 5-12 days).
same here and the patrizia is only appear but not in the map
Sep 4, 2019
hello is there a specific requirement to trigger the appearance of some girls? because I still never got to meet zara, also some of the girls (usually that captured after they attack the nest) appears at late days (around 40-50 days) even thought they appear at early days before (around 5-12 days).
I am not totally sure what the requirements are. However, I think they usually occur after capturing certain heroines or certain maps. But I also had problems, not for Zara, but for Illari for some reason. She would not appear at all throughout some games. Idk if this is a bug, but I think there are some compatibility issues with some of the DLC for some reason, which is not very promising. The developers on DLsite has had recent DLC bug fixes and typographical error updates as recent as December and March, but idk if that actually solved anything.

Hongfire Survivor

Active Member
Mar 28, 2020
hello is there a specific requirement to trigger the appearance of some girls? because I still never got to meet zara, also some of the girls (usually that captured after they attack the nest) appears at late days (around 40-50 days) even thought they appear at early days before (around 5-12 days).
I am not totally sure what the requirements are. However, I think they usually occur after capturing certain heroines or certain maps. But I also had problems, not for Zara, but for Illari for some reason. She would not appear at all throughout some games. Idk if this is a bug, but I think there are some compatibility issues with some of the DLC for some reason, which is not very promising. The developers on DLsite has had recent DLC bug fixes and typographical error updates as recent as December and March, but idk if that actually solved anything.
It depends on the difficulty and how many stages you've done at least twice.

In one of the DLs, it have a PDF with good info in it.

To summarize, if you are on five star difficulty, you'll have Illari show up waaaay late.

The more DLC you have, the crazier it gets with difficulty. You'll have harder invasions because girls you see on Turn 30-40 will show up earlier.

Zara, you need to clear the Patrizia stage twice after defeating her. Then Zara should show up. Otherwise, it's by turns.

On Normal mode, it's alot more predictable.
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