F Mondays - Story preference


Jul 26, 2017
Hey guys!

My game is coming along pretty good so far. I know I say it alot but I always manage to find a snag and I am only one dude. Also hand drawing 2d art with just a mouse is a pain in the ass especially for backgrounds.

Got some cool stuff and story going so far hoping that I can get a demo out by Christmas. While I am pretty stoked about the in game story drafts I have so far it occurred to me that I am not really sure how to kick it off. I am looking for some feedback on a couple ideas I have.

I plan to make it a bit of a sandbox style corruption/seduction game. This takes place in an office of a tiny company where the mc is just hired as a system admin who slowly becomes aware of all the ladies who run the place. Eventually he gets the option to pursue all of them either by earning their trust and talking them into dirty deeds or by corrupting them to influence what they are willing to do with him.

The trouble is that while I have the timelines and progressions figured out I can't help but feel that it isn't quite believable. Why would a guy get hired at a place like this and go unhinged and diddle his co workers all of a sudden? Especially without being a pervert previously which an office run primarily by women wouldn't hire.
I don't really want him to be too young or this be his first job like this and it still seems weird making it purely opportunistic.

Hear me out and tell me what you think. One of my ideas was to give him a backstory where he suffered some sort of brain injury that affects his impulse control and makes him extra pleasure seeking. Give him some reservations and cold feet about it but the draw becomes too much and he gets triggered to really run with his new reality. Maybe it could add some dimensions and would explain why someone with his skills was out of work.

What do you guys think? Is there a better way to make it believable but still make it so that chasing all these women doesn't seem out of character? Or am I nuts and this doesn't need that much thought put into it? Hit me with your best thoughts.


Respected User
Former Staff
Aug 6, 2016
Schizophrenia doesn't often fully manifest until someone is in their late teens to mid 20s. One of its features is reduced capacity in the prefrontal cortex (just behind the forehead) which controls impulsive behavior.
Let's say he's a sys admin for a major company and buys a powerful Ducati. On a rainy day, he's gone down an unfamiliar side road and was going too fast for conditions and lost control while turning over a watery patch. In the wreck, he was thrown from the Ducati and hit a tree or a post head on. It was his forehead that was most damaged which caused bleeding and injury to the frontal cortex. After recovery, he couldn't work so many hours but still retained his knowledge so those girls may have known him from the previous job and hired him.
And either case, he could be aware of the potential damage but not sure of how BAD it is.
You could make him super sympathetic by saying a drunk driver swerved into his lane and caused him to lose control which resulted in the head injury. :test2:


Jul 26, 2017
Schizophrenia doesn't often fully manifest until someone is in their late teens to mid 20s. One of its features is reduced capacity in the prefrontal cortex (just behind the forehead) which controls impulsive behavior.
Let's say he's a sys admin for a major company and buys a powerful Ducati. On a rainy day, he's gone down an unfamiliar side road and was going too fast for conditions and lost control while turning over a watery patch. In the wreck, he was thrown from the Ducati and hit a tree or a post head on. It was his forehead that was most damaged which caused bleeding and injury to the frontal cortex. After recovery, he couldn't work so many hours but still retained his knowledge so those girls may have known him from the previous job and hired him.
And either case, he could be aware of the potential damage but not sure of how BAD it is.
You could make him super sympathetic by saying a drunk driver swerved into his lane and caused him to lose control which resulted in the head injury. :test2:
Its like you read my mind :biggrin: I came up with the idea for one of the character unlock scenes I wrote where initially the mc decides that he doesn't want to begin pursuing that particular character that he feels like he is enough of a creep then he is mesmerized by sweet booty and it overrides his hesitation. I think it makes for a more compelling development than someone who was normal and had no prior incidents just suddenly deciding to manipulate his co workers into bed.

Benn Swagger

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2016
Some Advice :
1. Use mind control as the last of the last of the last resort.
2. Not always sound logical is okay in fantasy porn games.
3. If you plan to make a lot of girl, first, divide them by their social life. Such as Nerd, Normal and Socialite or even Alpha female (femdom).
4. Then separate them into 3 types. 1-Longing for sexual encounter, 2-medium , 3-marry to her work type (anti sexual). but make the level 3 female character as hot as you can.
Ex. Not all nerd are interest on sex encounter. Not all alpha female are looking for sex, as they just love dominating her surrounding. But there's some nerd who never have sex and actively try to find any man willing to give her 1st experience, also like Paris Hilton, a socialite whom always looking for sex.
5. Balancing the female sexual behavior. Don't put all girls to be hunger for cock.
6. Do not over using sexy outfit in work office, in fact limit it. Only 1 or 2 women use daring uniform while the rest are normal. But it different in their private life (their house), you can outfit them as you like, according to their arousal level.


Active Member
Jun 10, 2017
I'm Sorry ... I had this long thought out idea to explain the characters behaviour. But then i fell in love with it and wanted to keep it for myself. But felt bad and came up with another.

I tend to shy away from freak accidents and magic powers explaining away uncharacteristic behaviours. Dont get me wrong the stories can still be fun but in a real life office setting like you have hear something more realistic would be more fitting. I mean you have him set up as a computer guy, who was out of work for a while generally an out of work guy with a love for computers tends to look at porn. So maybe he has become a little desensitized to normal sexual encounters, perhaps his view of women has been skewed by too much time by himself mixed with his increasingly extreme porn content viewing. Now he wants to experience some of the things he has discovered online but dosen't have the skills or confidence to make it happen ( so it will be slow going as he acclimates back into social interactions ) also the contrast between his desires and personalities will allow for varied events to unfold if you are following some of @Benn Swagger 's fantastic suggestions. Perhaps and Alpha femals or an unasumming married to her work type is a closet dom and sniffs out his goals and attempts to flip the table on him.


Jul 26, 2017
I hear you, I'm not too big on the magical powers thing myself and freak accidents are a bit cliche, I just found it as a fun way to add some internal dialogue. Most of the women are alphas in their own way as he is mainly interacting with the department heads but they all go about it differently. The only reason I am looking for a more blanket solution is trying to find a way to wipe him clean and give him a new job and make the discoveries significant while he struggles with some of the elements of what he is doing. Originally I was going to make all these dept heads gang up on him at the job and basically blame him for all the internal company issues so it was going to be one of those revenge things. But after getting into dialogue and building some of the events I started having fun with him doing the "I don't want it, I don't want it, I don't want it..." and then not being able to resist after some sort of trigger. I might keep some of the elements of the revenge plot in there but maybe tone it down. Also the accident thing opens up storyline I wanted for one character in particular. I definitely don't want to make it this huge thing, only a slight tweak and giving some background to this high level professional who was jobless and shares an apartment with a roommate, I was also going to play it into the corruption method with how he discovers it.
Thank you so much for the feedback tho! I do know that it comes of as an easy excuse and I don't want to be cliche, but I am having fun getting the story going with the idea. I'll play with them and see what flows best. Again I really appreciate it Maybe I will post a graphic later as a teaser
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anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Schizophrenia doesn't often fully manifest until someone is in their late teens to mid 20s. One of its features is reduced capacity in the prefrontal cortex (just behind the forehead) which controls impulsive behavior.
Totally doesn't manifest until the early 20s and it goes stronger with time. But the other main consequences goes against a potential story since it imply social awkwardness, when not disgust (never want to socially interact with other people), and it also imply strong paranoia.
In the same time, like autism, schizophrenia tend to imply an higher IQ which can help here. But also imply cognitive limitations (bad short time memory, but good long time memory, difficulty to concentrate on something for a long time and difficulty to thing about basic needs (eating, sleeping)).
And finally, what qualify schizophrenia, whatever its form, is the fact that he live in is own reality. Not like an hallucination, but things don't work in the same way and/or have an hidden signification. [I'll stop here since I can goes for hours on this subject that haunt my life...].

So, the background can be something like this :
1) MC is schizophrenic, which make him approach coding in a different way than any other ones. Add to this his high IQ, and before the age of 18 he was already well knew in the Open Source community for his creativity and solving problems ability.
2) Then come this big company with there big problem. A lot of well knew (No ! they aren't pirates ! follow the link) failed to help, but he succeeded. It was difficult to make him agree, but the big company wanted such a genius. They had to make sacrifices, like letting him work alone, far from the others, agreeing that he will not attend meting and social activities, even the mandatory ones. But they were ready to make this sacrifices as long as he write genius code for them, and so make them rich.
He can have works for them as long as necessary for him not be too young.
3) He had your car accident which messed with his brain and mostly with his schizophrenia. So Zenathos can get rid of some symptoms like the social awkwardness and the paranoia. But not completely rid of... What happen is that the symptoms are still here, but only for male character. So, when it's men, the symptoms are worse than ever, but they seem to have disappear when it come to women.
4) His boss started to notice this... He can't have missed the hundred of, "I'm sure that Mr. Smith want to mess with my life", and other, "They put salt in my water bottle, I know it ! Why are they hating me so much ?". What to do with this poor boy ? He's a good guy, a little naive but charming and always polite. And what ? Because an alcoholic fucker crossed his way and led to this accident, now his life should be a living hell ?
But, wait, oh yes, the boss know this successful woman who own a female only society and need a new admin/coder...
Why not ? MC's life would be saved and his amazing potential wouldn't be wasted... Quick, where's her phone number ?
5) That's how MC starts his new life in a full women company.

And now the present :
1) Because of the still present symptoms (especially concentration) and the fact that he's a fox in the hen house, he still work alone in his own room, more or less isolated from the others.
2) Because women are women, and because he had this terrible accident and have these cognitive limitations, the regularly check on him. "Are you still alive ?", "Hey, you've seen the hour ? It's time to eat, I know that if I let you alone you'll completely forget about this".
This imply that mostly when he's with a girl, they are alone with few risk to be interrupted. And still he see a lot of girls each day.
3) Because of the social awkwardness, MC is naturally charming and seducing. He don't want to be seen as a cave man, so he over react on the politeness and seduction.
3) Because of the "different reality" implied by the schizophrenia, the corruption don't have to follow a hard path. It can be totally natural for him to corrupt girls, but without him having a single ounce of misbehavior or malice. He don't reduce them as the state of a toy like other can do, he let them be what they want to be, but can't because of the society.
If you prefer, in his reality, all girls have read "the lover of lady Chatterley" and want to live it.
4) Still because of the schizophrenia, he's alone in life... He had sex in his youth, but his last girlfriend left him few years ago and he was already to deep in his schizophrenia to search for a new one. It wasn't such a problem... until his days resumed "so many girls around me and not a single man at the horizon". Difficult to resist the envy...

Is this credible ? I don't know. But what I know is that, except the consequence of the car accident which are a little fantasist, it's 100% the reality...