Unity Daz Blender Export Morphs to unity blendshape


May 6, 2017
Hi, I know I'm not necessarily in the right place here, but maybe someone does have some knowledge about this.
I am currently working with Daz3D Studio, Blender and Unity.
I use the Diffeomorphic (1.6.2) addon for DAZ and Blender 3.1 / 3.2 to export models from DAZ to Blender. That works well too. Including morphs etc.
Now I started 2 days ago to export these models from Blender to Unity (FBX). As far as the male part is concerned, it works fine (including genital), morphs are exported as BlendShape etc.. Exported/Imported. No problem at all.
However, with the women I have very big problems.
I can export the women no matter if victoria 8 g8f or similar without problems (inlcude Genital e.g Golden palace or similar) to Blender from DAZ. The morphs and such as well. That means mesh and morph (shapekey) work fine in Blender. However, the export does not work.
If I try it the same way as with the male version (which is known to work because I have already tested it) does not work with the women, or better said:, the export itself works but the morphs do not come with to Unity "blendshapes".
I just can't get it to import the meshes including the morphs into Unity. RIG and so on is available but no morphs (Blenshapes). Neither for the eyebrows nor the eyelids nor the genital area. Does anyone know a solution?
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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2018
I don't know if I've ever gotten blend shapes (is that unity?) to work. I ended up sticking to this work around where shape keys are baked into animations, and if you want a character who's features you can adjust, you actually treat each morph like a animation (starting at 0 and ending at 100% applied) and using the animation tree to apply the animation only X % of the way.


May 6, 2017
Thanks for the answer.
Unfortunately, I couldn't get back to you sooner. I had to work a lot lately.
I will of course try this detour, even if I do not yet know 100% how to do it.
As for the blendshapes or morphs themselves. Now that I've already managed it with the men of evolution, I know of course that it works to export morphs from Blender to Unity, as blendshapes. I just don't understand why it doesn't work with the women.


Dec 22, 2017
Does the model have any modifiers on it, like an armature? Blender can't apply modifiers on a model that also contains shape keys, and that may be a step in the export process.
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May 6, 2017
Does the model have any modifiers on it, like an armature? Blender can't apply modifiers on a model that also contains shape keys, and that may be a step in the export process.
Yeb that was the solution.. but i found this out by myself few days ago ...
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Dec 22, 2017
I ran into the same problem myself. I had a mirror modifier on a model with shape keys and I could only export with one or the other. There is a work-around, that involves baking the shapes into separate models and then re-applying them onto a modifier-free base mesh, but it's tedious so I ended up writing a script to automate the process. It was a real bitch until I figured that out.