[R> Other] [R>Programmer] Paid Edit: Project Kenjataimu. Programmer and more wanted. (Unity, Renpy, etc. all skills welcome)

Aug 29, 2020
Project: Kenjataimu: Realm Break
A very basic outline of the story is that the main character has been removed from his world and transported into a parallel universe just like his own except for the fact that in this world, he never existed. The player controls him as he has to find people he knows who now treat him like a stranger and heed the advice of an otherworldly entity who is trying to help him return to his own world. He can use his knowledge of others to rebuild familiarity and prove his identity to them, or perhaps to have a better relationship with those he dropped the ball with in his own world. It all depends on the player’s choices.

Looking For/Job Description:
I want someone who can create an adult game utilizing the RPGmaker program or anything you're comfortable with. I imagine a 2D art style with animations for the eventual scenes, so whatever the minimum processing power for that would be. There won't be a battle system or any quick actions needed by the player, it is more of a visual novel with choices affecting the outcomes of stories. Think something like The Manor by Dr. Bones or Little Man by Mr. Rabbit team.

I have the entire story completely finished. Every side quest, all outcomes, all requirements, and I have it all organized pretty well, I believe. What I don't have is a world-build in mind. No blueprints for how I want every area to look, no static text for random objects in the world or NPC's wandering around, so I need someone with a bit of creativity willing to build the world the player will be exploring based on just the name of locations I have(ie. coffee shop, park, house.). I have an original soundtrack for the game so it won't be anything you've already heard in other games, just a small thing I feel is important to have that we won't be worrying about. But I don't have original sound FX (which I would like, if possible, but we can discuss that in detail later)

Employment Type/Work Commitment:
The payment for it will start as Paid full time work until the first build is complete, then shared revenue from donations. My hopes for the game are to release the final version for free. Again, you won't be working for free, I'll be paying you for the basic build(which we’ll figure out the extent of after going over the story) and from there the hope is to continue working off fan support after calculating the cost of the total game before we get to the first version, but my dream is for everyone who wants to play to have access to the game and support the further making of it if they want to see it to completion. I 100% believe it will be popular enough that even a small percentage of those who can offer their donations will be more than enough support to see the game through to the end.

Now, with that being said, I really want someone with a positive mindset willing to consider this a passion project. Again, it is paid, I would never disrespect you or your time, but my sources aren't unlimited and being new to this I am still unsure of just how much of a starting budget we need so would love to work with someone that truly enjoys this and is willing to work with a novice like myself who may be a tad bit in over their head(but it will all be worth it in the end, trust me) holy run on sentence, Batman. Bonus points if you're super friendly(I’m kinda sensitive…), I just feel like more work gets done when communication is great, and it's easy to communicate with someone you like, you know?

Additional Comments:
A few extra details as far as the actual game itself is concerned and what I believe will make it popular; First off, fun interesting premise, loveable characters and interactions slightly more realistic, compared to a normal porn game. While there will still definitely be suspension of disbelief to enjoy it, especially with the main themes, I would like the dialogue to feel authentic and the struggles the characters go through to be a bit more complex than the average 'Main character is magically super attractive to everybody'. I want to draw more attention to the thought processes of the characters the player seduces as well as any guilt or discomfort certain actions may bring to the main character as well. I want an actual, seriously interesting story told and characters worth the pursuit of. This provides greatly satisfying conclusions to their individual stories and enjoyable gameplay, rather than a player speeding through just to get sex scenes. I want new dialogue to make sense and non-repeatable scenes(that's what a gallery is for). When something is triggered I want the player to know they did something right, not feel confused halfway through a scene cutting off because criteria hadn't been met yet.

Again, this is more of a search and find type of game so secondly, it’s easy to play, no stress. There will be nothing involving the player actually having to shoot things or run fast. Let's have all the buttons on one side of the keyboard, and no quick actions necessary, think of the players here, it’s a porn game, let’s one hand it. There will only be three times of day to simplify options for the player to explore and trigger interactions.

Finally, variety and replay value. Actions need to have consequences so there will be multiple possible outcomes for scenes based on how the player approaches the other characters. This will result in either romantic sex or reluctant sex due to the player or other character. Also, rather than the typical speeding up during a sex scene option, just have dialogue normally throughout it, no need for the tedium. They only look good going at their intended pace anyway, otherwise it's just choppy and bad or awkwardly rapid like it's being fast forwarded. Different scenes occur based on how many “romance points” a player accrues with a character before triggering critical interactions and the final scene with them. These can be earned a variety of ways through choices in dialogue or having specific items at certain times. And another feature for ease of play is that mistakes the player makes during dialogue or lack of relationship points can be made up for via items from the merchant (with special scenes only accessible through the use of certain items as well).

So, if this is something you may possibly think you might be willing to maybe consider, perhaps, and would like more details such as
'Tell me more about the story?'
'How much of a basic build?'
'Wait you really think someone can build this entire thing them self?'

Then please contact me at:

[email protected]

Or leave your info here and I'll send you more information. Thank you for your time.

Things you must be comfortable with: Incest. Futanari. Uhm, maybe Shota? I mean, I wouldn’t really say Shota but just in case, consider that too. I think that’s it for the main kinks. Other stuff is just the typical things like big boobs. Big butts. Anal sex. Threesomes. Nothing else scandalous, really. Clowns. The usual.


Things not needed: Story, Soundtrack

Things Needed: Everything else, good vibes.

Contact: [email protected]
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Aug 29, 2020
Tiny update to the post. Project is still open to anyone willing to check it out, just edited out the "No Unity" comment. Really a silly thing to have put in the first place as it makes no difference to me what program you create it in(I thought Unity was no bueno), but you live and you learn, again, I don't know anything about creating a game myself haha, forgive me.
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Game Developer
Nov 11, 2019
If you are going for a Visual Novel style where choices matter and no other requirements like battles and RPG elements then I suggest you to use Ren'Py. It's best suited for this kind of games with great depth if you are willing to explore.


Game Developer
Nov 11, 2019
It's not very hard to learn the basic stuff and make a simple game in Ren'Py. There are lots of great tutorials online which will help you get started in no time. Good luck. If you need help with something in Ren'Py DM me, I will help you as much as I can.
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