Unreal Engine Discussions about what should be the perfect game


New Member
Sep 30, 2019
Hi guys I want to raise a serious topic.
I am currently making a game on the Unreal Sci-Fi genre (something like mass effect) with a top view(top-down).
I wonder what you would like to see in such a game? Your expectations?

And one more question, I noticed that games with rendered images have serious support, and 3D games practically do not receive it. Although the development of a game on Unity or Unreal is more complicated and requires skill not only in creating history. Games with rendered images are not interactive, they create such an illusion, but why do you like them more? Because of the stories? And because of something else?

*I could have tried to create the game as a mass effect, with a third-person view, and I can also copy all the game mechanics, but I understand that I won’t get any support, I need to do such a game at full time.*

I will be very happy if you share your thoughts with me.

Thanks you!


Active Member
Sep 9, 2018
First of all if you are doing this to make good money forget about it. The market is pretty crowded and openly comparing your work to Mass Effect means you will either spend an INSANE amount of time and effort on gameplay and mechanics (which don't earn you pr0n bucks on Paytreon) or you will get absolutely slammed for "false advertising". Probably both because haters gonna hate.

In terms of renders vs. live 3D (vs. 2D) I don't have any hard preference but in practice each of them seems to have their own strengths and weaknesses. In order for live 3D to work well you need a pretty detailed and interactive world. Breeders of the Nephelym for example looks absolutely gorgeous but when I last played it around v0.6 or so it basically felt like the stereotype of OG No Man's Sky, a completely empty walking simulator. With renders you just take away the interactivity and skip "the boring parts", in 2D you can usually slap some pastel coloured tiling background on and call it a day RPGM-style because no one expects realistic proportions to begin with. For the sex scenes themselves good live 3D is way better than static renders but takes a lot more work. In single renders you have a clear visual focus and everything is posed to look good from that specific angle, in a 3D animation you'll notice when limbs aren't animated or the penis just noclips through the vagina instead of displacing flesh as it would in reality.

As for the "sci-fi" aspect, above all I would expect significant involvement of pseudo-human, meta-human or non-human elements. Cyborg/android characters, AI sex toys, holodecks, space babes or if you're into them actual aliens. Not necessarily all at once but basically I'd want several major plot points/sex features to actually require the sci-fi setting rather than having a vanilla romance with pink dildo props except this time the background looks like an iPod. Seeing as you reference Mass Effect: implants and genetic manipulation (if something like the Genophage works surely they could offer a horse-sized dick spewing gallons of cum as an in-universe "upgrade" option rather than you starting out with one for absolutely no reason), several alien romance options with unique sexual features (Embrace Eternity, full-body condom, Turians or Drell secrete hallucinogens IIRC, Hanar...), Biotics with "creative" uses, EDI, clones, and in a pinch omni-tools or that toothbrush.

But keep in mind Mass Effect was ultimately held together by Shepard and the character dynamics of the team not the all-female blue aliens. Plus it had actual story and gameplay, and ambient chatter to fill walkways and elevators even when getting shot was not on the menu.

Corvo Bianco

Aug 1, 2019
Man, I love the way you think.

I am too making an Unreal game. The thing is it is so expensive both in terms of personal time investments and in money spent on freelancers to help you with something (because there is no way you can do everything yourself while keeping decent quality bar). You probably will spend way more money than you can ever earn on Patreon. This is why you can't rely on Patreon, and your goal should be completing the game and selling it as finished product on Steam or some other marketplace.
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Dec 17, 2018
New devs always underestimate the amount of time and effort it takes to create a game, let alone by yourself. Sounds like you're essentially making 2 games in 1: a sex simulator and a RPG/Shooter. Getting the RPG/Shooter part right on it's own is a massive undertaking.

Besides, you're severely shooting yourself in the foot if you legitimately make a good game but put heavy adult elements in it. The market just isn't there and you'd make significantly more cash if you made it PG.

The other thing is that the adult games that get made are just worse overall in quality imo; barely a game, barely any porn, and barely any story. They usually end up abandoned or have extremely long development cycles.

My advice is to be realistic in what you're shooting for. If you're a one man team, I'd suggest not making a full fledged adult game (I went that route before). However, if you insist on this path then you should stick, as much as possible, to the prebuilt Unreal templates and functions to cut down on development time. This might mean your game becomes cookie cutter, but those are sacrifices you have to make if you want the game to see the light of day. If you're a full fledged AAA studio looking to break the industry, then I say go for it.
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New Member
Sep 30, 2019
I work alone, but I have a lot of experience in developing games. I can’t give the full time to the game, as I’m busy with the main work, so I conclude that it is a long time, but at the initial stage no one will support it. Need to look in the other direction.


Active Member
Jul 30, 2018
I would say people don't really prefer one form above the other, they just want a good game. Every single 3D game on here (non RPGM ones) are just not very good. Some look amazing, but barely has any story/gameplay, others have a decent story, but blocky models, etc.

Creating a full fleched 3d game is a ton of work, and pretty much require you to know how to code, model, animate, etc. While simple Renpy games doesn't.

That said I think people would actually prevere a good 3d game over a good 2d picture game. Just look at the most popular games on here, most of them have animated scenes. Picture scenes get boring pretty quickly.

Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017
You do not need the small talk of gals slipping and falling on MC to trigger the felling part.
Any good game uses nice skin textures, simple skeleton, use the animator in DAZ / Blender and just put them cut scenes in. Effectively, the demos unreal put out can be the place to be and just build upon walking, chatting, one or 2 mini games to pass the time and build the skill point and then ... just go spelunking the grotto with some dame ... get secluded ... have many bathroom breaks (you can show some skin there) on top of many snack breaks (get the dialogue in that way) only to get to a dead end where you put the big scene (could just be cuddlin, touching, caresses, some skin or even interactions (just let DAZ animate basic poses).
That could be your base line (andromeda is this humongous world explorer you cannot replicate!)