Default Renpy keybinds are in the framework file `renpy/common/00keymap.rpy`.
There is a page in the documentation that discusses these defaults and how developers can override them:
You must be registered to see the links
Regards your specific question: there is no "key" set to toggle the Autoforward behaviour.
(In a default renpy game) If you look at the `game/screens.rpy` file, you will find the definition of "screen quick_menu():" In here it has the "Auto" text button definition which uses the action "Preference" to toggle the "auto-forward" setting. If the game you are playing has removed the "auto" button from the quick menu, you could restore it by the following:
(note: I am assuming you are playing on PC, or at least the game emulator(?) you are using shows the normal menu variants, not the Mobile ones)
1. Find the existing "screen quick_menu" entry in the `game/screens.rpy`file, it's possible the developer did not DELETE the Auto line from their screen definition, maybe you can just un-comment it. OTHERWISE:
2. create a file `zzz_myscreens.rpy`in any location under the `game` folder, and copy the contents of the whole "screen quick_menu" block to your new file.
3. edit the screen definition in your new file to re-add the Auto button alongside the other buttons
textbutton _("Auto") action Preference("auto-forward", "toggle")
Be careful to maintain the correct indentation of your added line, python/renpy has "whitespace is meaningful" code semantics.
If you *really* want a specific key you can use to turn autoforward on and off, you could also edit the "screen quick_menu" to add a key-trigger for the auto-forward, like this (last line):
screen quick_menu():
## Ensure this appears on top of other screens.
zorder 100
if quick_menu:
style_prefix "quick"
xalign 0.5
yalign 1.0
textbutton _("Back") action Rollback()
textbutton _("History") action ShowMenu('history')
textbutton _("Skip") action Skip() alternate Skip(fast=True, confirm=True)
textbutton _("Auto") action Preference("auto-forward", "toggle")
textbutton _("Save") action ShowMenu('save')
textbutton _("Q.Save") action QuickSave()
textbutton _("Q.Load") action QuickLoad()
textbutton _("Prefs") action ShowMenu('preferences')
key "f" action Preference("auto-forward", "toggle")
EDIT: reading the docs some more, I found that you can also add a key trigger to any existing button (text or image) in a screen definition with the "keysym" parameter, like this (you do need to use a pygame-compatible "keysym string" rather than the simple letter as works for the "key" directive):
textbutton _("Auto") action Preference("auto-forward", "toggle") keysym "K_f"