Chromebook Question


Jul 15, 2017
Is it possible to play any of these games on a Chromebook? I used to download and play Lesson of Passion games quite often but seem to now be shit out of luck with this piece of no other software junk. What few games that do open (Club Velvet) get stuck on the loading page with that damn loading circle going around forever, or even more frustratingly a game like Eleanor 2 will seem to run completely fine but then just give me a black screen on scenes with animation. Am I screwed or is there something to be done about this? Oh, sorry for a possible lack of information, I don't really know anything about what makes these things run and what stops them from doing so. Oh, I'm pretty sure I managed to download and play Living with Serena a while ago though with no issues that I remember. I don't know what the hell's going on, any pointers would be appreciated.


Quote my posts if you want an answer
Former Staff
Aug 5, 2016
@Sam you probably know a bit more than me about this :S


Respected User
Former Staff
Aug 6, 2016
FYI - Chrome OS is based on linux kernels so the bones of Chrome OS is similar to Linux. Since it uses chrome browser, it's possible the browser is blocking the flash exe from running. It could also be settings in the OS itself or a lack of a native flash player.
My spare CPUs tend to be Linux.


New Member
Jan 11, 2019
This has been something bothering me as well, but I finally got it to work on my Chromebook.

Depending on what type of Chromebook you have, you can run Linux directly now. You have to have a higher end Chromebook, but if you look in the main settings, it's listed in it's own section called "Linux (Beta)". After it's enabled you can install Firefox from the Linux command line, just make sure that you uninstall any other versions of Firefox first or you will get errors.

the command to run it is: sudo apt-get install firefox-esr

Now you will have a new file directory in your Chromebook listed as "Linux Files". You will need to put the files in here for this version of f=Firefox to open them.
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