Collection Mod Others Artificial Academy 2 Modules [Grim]


Active Member
Aug 17, 2016

Various modules that I've worked on.
These were either created by me from scratch, or created by others and edited by me to fix bugs.​

Updated: 24/12/23
Game/Creator: Artificial Academy 2 / Illusion
Modder: Grim/others
Game Version: MiniPPX v8
Language: English

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Module List:
  1. Cooldown
  2. Premeditated
  3. Puppet
  4. Observer
  5. Free Pass
  6. Fixed Modules
  7. Fixed nekomancer Modules

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Active Member
Aug 17, 2016
Restricts certain interactions towards the PC to once per period/day/week per NPC. Globals prefixed with COOLDOWN_ can be set to true or false to set whether the interaction should go on cooldown or not.

-Praise; Period; Disabled by default
-Ask if had sex; Day|Forever
-Ask to be a couple; Day
-Exploitable hint; Day
-Murder notice/threat; Day
-Reprimand for lewd; Day (Puritans ignore)
-Skip class; Day
-X likes you; Day per person
-X received a confession; Day per person
-Ask on a date; Week
-Lewd promise; Week

[PC Only]

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Active Member
Aug 17, 2016
Fixed Modules
I've attempted to fix issues I've encountered in various modules. These fixed versions are intended to be drop-in replacements for the originals so that you don't have to swap the module on every card that had the original. Cards will use the updated version of the module automatically when they're added to the class or when a save is loaded.

Click the spoilers to see what was fixed in each module.

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These are not my modules and I take no credit for making them. All credit goes to the original module creators.
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Active Member
Aug 17, 2016
Fixed nekomancer Modules
A few of nekomancer's older cards had custom modules which would occasionally apply trait/virtue modifiers to the entire class. It's a fun idea, but each of the modules had the same set of problems:
  1. If the card with the module dies or is removed from the class in some way while the effect was active, the effect became permanent.
  2. A global variable was used to keep track of whether the effect was active or not. If you quicksaved while the effect was active and then reloaded that save, the global would reset to it's default value i.e. not active, and so the effect would remain active rather than deactivating during the next period.
  3. The module would try to add/remove the modifiers without first checking if the seat was filled.
  4. If the effect was started Sunday morning, it would always persist into Sunday evening.
To address the problems I've done the following:
  1. A new trigger was added to ensure that the the modifiers are removed from the class if the card with the module is destroyed.
  2. The global variable keeping track of whether the effect is active or not was changed to a card storage variable instead.
  3. Unfilled seats are skipped when looping over the class to add or remove modifiers.
  4. Since Sunday has no unplayable intermediate periods in which the effect gets cleared like the rest of the week days, I've added an additional check for Sunday evenings to clear the effect if it was started Sunday morning, and the roll failed to apply it again.

The 4 cards that these modules apply to are:
These modules were specifically made for those 4 cards, so unless you have the cards or plan on downloading them it doesn't make much sense to download these fixed versions of their modules since they won't work correctly as standalone modules without further modification.

All credit to for creating the cards/modules.

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Active Member
Aug 17, 2016
Methodically carries out their murders to avoid getting caught.
[NPC Only]

This module has no influence on a character's decision to murder someone. It steps in and takes over the character's behavior once that decision has been made. Instead of murdering people in a room full of witnesses as murderers tend to do in the vanilla game, this module seeks to make it seem as though the murderer has put at least some amount of effort into their plan. They will try to isolate their victim, only carrying out the murder when they're certain there's no witnesses around.

By default, murderers with this module will only go after their victim during the evening period. While this tends to be more effective since it's usually quieter around the school as people head to the station area or go home, it does tend to make things more predictable, and may also make it less likely for the murder to be carried out since the murderer may have other modules such as Compensated Dating or Ambusher which have their own evening routines, or the target may decide to go home before the murderer decides to strike. I've added a couple of global variables that can be edited to alter this behavior:
  • PM_IS_EVENING_KILLER: Set to true by default. Setting it to false means the murder can happen during any period.
  • PM_IS_EVENING_KILLER_RANDOM: Set to false by default. Setting it to true will randomly set whether the killer only works in the evening or not, and it will ignore whatever value PM_IS_EVENING_KILLER is currently set to.
If the killer has the Yandere Type A module, the values of the 2 variables are ignored and the killer can attempt a murder in any period. The reason for this is the Yandere Type A module handles murders in an impulsive manner, and doesn't persist the intention into the next period.

Read the Full Details if don't mind spoilers and want to know exactly how everything works, or remain content with the knowledge that murderers with this module will behave more intelligently, and are far less likely to be caught in the act and subsequently arrested.

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This module has gone through over 4 months of development/testing prior to release, and if this were the only module loaded in a game then it would likely work perfectly. That guarantee goes out the window however when other modules are added to the picture, but this is also true for every module. I've put a lot of effort into ensuring that it continues to work correctly in the presence of certain other modules, but obviously it's impossible for me to test every possible module combination out there.

The following is a list of problematic modules that I've identified during gameplay and have added handling for:
  • Ambusher
  • Banchou
  • Compensated Dating
  • Controlling
  • Easy Victim
  • Loyal on the killer in combination with Hot Body on the target
  • Masseuse
  • Murderous
  • Stalker
  • Vengeful
  • Yandere Type A
Compatibility with the Armed module is included, and having it on the killer can impact their behavior. Check the Full Details for more information on this.

While not strictly incompatible, the Thorough module is redundant with this module, so if you're going to use this module then you might as well remove Thorough.

Known Issues:
  • If the PC is the target and the killer is stalking you, when the killer decides to strike they will first perform an interaction with Yes and No choices, but no actual dialogue. This is intentional. The reason for this is normally when a murder interaction is performed, if the killer isn't right next to their target they will slowly saunter up to them, giving them plenty of time to move to another room or for witnesses to arrive. This isn't an issue if the killer is escorting their target since they'll be right next to them when they perform the murder, but when they're stalking the target they might be on the other side of the room when they decide to act. To get around this, the killer first performs this dummy interaction so that they will run up to their target rather than slowly walk to them, before following up with the actual murder interaction. When done towards an NPC the interaction is almost instant and barely noticeable, but because the dialogue window opens for the PC, it becomes more obvious that there's some shenanigans involved.

  • Rarely when the killer is done escorting their target to the chosen spot, instead of killing the target they will instead perform some other interaction. If the interaction is either fighting or asking them to follow, it won't break the sequence of events, and the murder will just continue at the next location. If it's any other interaction then the module will detect this and clean things up so that it doesn't end up in a broken state. Usually this is caused by some other module trying to perform its own actions instead. I've added handling for some of these cases but it still happens on occasion. In the case of the Hot Body module, I've intentionally allowed it to prevent murders in this manner since that's the entire point of it. More often than not though the Hot Body module is ineffective and the murder happens anyway.

  • Rarely after a fight the target will get up and walk around while still locked with the red ring around them. This seems to be a game bug rather than something caused by this module since I've encountered this before after fights that had nothing to do with the module. Doesn't usually cause a problem.

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Active Member
Aug 17, 2016
Can be commanded to perform a specified action.
[NPC Only]

This module will allow you to command an NPC equipped with it to perform many different actions. This includes both actions targeting another character, and actions with no target such as minna actions.

These globals can be edited by the user. The only one that's required to be set is PUP_ACTION_ID. The others are optional/situational.
  • PUP_ACTION_ID: The ID number of the action that the puppet will perform. You can find a list of actions and their IDs .
  • PUP_CONVO_ABOUT_CHAR_NAME: If the interaction requires a 3rd character that's being talked about, such as when a character is spreading a rumor about someone, this global is where you would set the name of the character being talked about. The name should be in the format of Lastname Firstname.
  • PUP_TARGET_NPC_KEY: The key that you press to make the puppet NPC interact with another NPC. Whoever the PC has targeted is the NPC that will be interacted with. Set to 'e' by default.
  • PUP_TARGET_OTHER_KEY: The key that you press to make the puppet NPC interact with the PC, or to perform actions that don't require a target. Set to 'r' by default.
Puppets can only be configured to perform one type of action at a time, so you'll have to load the card into the editor and modify PUP_ACTION_ID whenever you want to set a new action. You can also put the module on multiple NPCs to set up more complex scenarios, such as commanding puppet NPC1 to start a conversation with NPC2, and then commanding puppet NPC3 to interrupt the conversation. In scenarios involving multiple puppets you'll have to edit the targeting keys on each card to something different, otherwise every NPC with the module will respond to the same key.

Known Issues:
  • If the puppet attempts to interact with their target and is unable to for whatever reason, they may enter a cooldown state where they will stop trying to perform any actions, and pressing the command key won't have any effect on them. They will eventually break out of this state after some time, or if a character starts a conversation with them, at which point they may automatically re-attempt to perform the interaction with the target, and the command key will function again. This cooldown state isn't a bug with the module, and is just something that the game does to prevent repeated interactions towards a target that's currently unavailable.

  • Not every action can be performed in this manner, and some will only work under certain circumstances. I haven't personally tested every single action in the game, so you'll have to experiment to figure out which ones don't work. Some that I'm aware of in the linked interaction list that don't work correctly are:
    • Any just listed as ???
    • 61: Everyone, let's get along with @
    • 105: Change clothes
    • 106: Stalking
    • 107: Stare from afar
    • 108: Study (alone)
    • 109: Exercise (alone)
    • 110: Do club activities (alone)
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Active Member
Aug 17, 2016
Prevents NPCs from interacting with you.

Observer mode is toggled by pressing the 'q' key by default. The OBS_KEY global can be edited to change the key.

[PC Only]

This is a very simple module that I made when I was testing the witness mechanic in the Premeditated module. It works like the in-game option "Disable NPC->PC action" except with a couple of differences. The problem with all of the in-game options is that it's not entirely obvious whether the option is being enabled or disabled when you press the hotkey for it unless you've memorized the different toggle sounds. You may also forget that it was enabled in the first place. With this module, when you press the toggle key it'll notify you on screen that the observer mode is either being enabled or disabled. If the mode is still enabled when a new period starts, it will display a notification to remind you so that you aren't confused about why NPCs aren't coming up to talk to you.

The other motivation for making this is I wanted a way of toggling whether the PC would count as a witness or not for testing purposes during NPC-NPC murder interactions handled by Premeditated. When the toggle key is pressed it enables/disables the module itself i.e. the Observer card bool is set to true or false. This way the module can be hooked into other modules by checking whether the Observer module is enabled or not.

Known Issues:
  • The module's observer mode is not synced with the in-game "Disable NPC->PC action" option since there's no way for modules to check the state of game options. The module doesn't really do much if that option is already enabled since they have the same effect.

  • The module doesn't prevent NPCs from stalking you, where they attach themselves to your character and follow you everywhere. Uncertain if the in-game option has the same problem or not.
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Nov 11, 2020
Hey G, I made some modifications to your Observer and Puppet modules on the backend so I could get them to work with a new multi manager mod im building. the user experience doesnt change, i just made them use a class int for the hotkey lookup, and on observer i separated the module Bool toggle from the observer function bool toggle. I just wanted to get your opinion on these before i do anything else with them


Active Member
Aug 17, 2016
Hey G, I made some modifications to your Observer and Puppet modules on the backend so I could get them to work with a new multi manager mod im building. the user experience doesnt change, i just made them use a class int for the hotkey lookup, and on observer i separated the module Bool toggle from the observer function bool toggle. I just wanted to get your opinion on these before i do anything else with them
I haven't had much time for playing/modding the game lately, so I don't know when I'd get around to checking out the changes, but feel free to do whatever you want with my modules
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