Dont take as anegative, as it is a discouraging term and it makes me feel bad for saything anything.
As for giving the player choices of different style/themes it sounds as a good idea, but this will involve more load on your work. I'm thinking it might require maintenance if you decided to change the layout of the UI, as you will be forced to change all the other sets to match. It's better to stick to one, and make it from your own style.
Which is ultimately what I'm trying to do. I will admit that the ui is far from perfect, but at the same time, it's something I could spend needlessly long on with no real gain other than some in the audience might prefer one style over another. The UI, in my opinion, should enhance rather than get in the way of the user's experience. While I have something sort of "pretty" and "thematic"(inspired, frankly, by old school rpg games like secret of mana, in which I remember playing a lot with it's ui customization), it to me comes off as a bit garish. It's not exactly "ugly", but it lacks the professional polish I would like to ultimately achieve. I need to find the right balance between practical and aesthetic. I don't think I quite nailed it. So I am not at all offended by your feedback. It's highly appreciated. This might be my first rodeo, but I came ready to impress!
You cant satisfy everyone with a specific style but if you can impress the majority then that's a winner.
I'm well aware that some design features will appeal to some but not all of my audience. Everything from character designs to plot choices. I do take seriously though any and all feedback on what I'm doing. Maybe the potential for two themes. One "minimalist" and another more "colorful". The further away I can stay from stock anything, the better I personally feel about what I'm producing. If my designs are "shit" compare to what ren'py itself offers, then I need to go back to the drawing board. But again, I can't waste too much time on the ui/theme when there is a game just DYING to be made already. I have a bit of OCD and a strong attention to detail. Classic "perfectionist". So I'm sure everything you see will be evolved/refined in time.
PS: Your voice sounds like one those voice-over actors

nice, collective and clear voice.
I spent two years broadcasting on twitch(so many people are bugging me to stream again... but I've been busy working on this game!) and many more doing tech support over the phone. I was born with a good voice and I've learned to use it well over the years. While I probably won't be doing in game voice overs(at least not personally), I do plan on putting out more progress videos, in which you'll hear even more of my awesome voice!
PS on the PS: just to clear the air, totally not hitting on you
I don't swing that way myself, but it's totally okay if you are. I'm used to it.