2D AndroMax's Art Feedback Thread


Game Developer
Jan 29, 2020
Hello, and welcome to my art feedback thread.

I will be using this thread to post some of my drawings, illustrations, animations, and other game art assets.

Feel free to give me your opinions and feedback.

Thank You.

Promo B.png


New Member
Dec 2, 2017
Anatomy is pretty spot on my dude. Don't like the breasts or nipples though, too flat(in a 2d sense), looks unnatural. Also, your shading could have more contrast so as to better define the body.
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Game Developer
Jan 29, 2020
Anatomy is pretty spot on my dude. Don't like the breasts or nipples though, too flat(in a 2d sense), looks unnatural. Also, your shading could have more contrast so as to better define the body.
You're right I am way better at drawing than I am at shading.

Here's the full res picture with a little more shading.

Nadya Pose test.png
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New Member
Jan 30, 2020
They are looking good but maybe you should use more vibrant colors. This color palette looking too dark for me. Ofc its personally cause i love the animeish painting
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Game Developer
Jan 29, 2020
They are looking good but maybe you should use more vibrant colors. This color palette looking too dark for me. Ofc its personally cause i love the animeish painting
Thanks for the feedback.

I'm kind of going for a more darker theme with my art, but I will keep color saturation and brightness in mind.

Here's another picture.

Nadya Pose test 2.png
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Jul 2, 2017
Hey there.

I have some feedback for you, feel free to make use of them or not.

  • I would refrain from using non weighed (no variation in thickness) line work on background, and especially if you use the same quality and thickness of lines for the characters in the foreground. A good rule of thumb is closer = bolder linework.
  • Don't use lines to detail hairs, it's just gonna look messy (a good example of that is the last image you posted).
  • Same reasoning for little details on the body : Nails, lips, privates, ears, eyebrows, nipples. Try to subdue those details a bit by using less lines (or thinner lines). You are giving yourself a lot of work and it makes your characters look a bit flat. For the hair think of it more like a single block, like a helmet that's covering the skull.
  • Your perspective is kinda weird on the last picture, kinda throwing me off.
  • Don't airbrush everything (soft gradient) for shading, try to block some shapes to underline the part of the body you want to show off. In fact, you would probably have a better aesthetic using cell-shading with the line work you are doing.
  • I don't know about using a texture on an entire figure like that, i would probably not do it.

Good luck for you project dude.
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Game Developer
Jan 29, 2020
Hey there.

I have a few feedbacks for you, feel free to make use of them or not.

  • I would refrain from using non weighed (no variation in thickness) line work on background, and especially if you use the same quality and thickness of lines for the characters in the foreground. A good rule of thumb is closer = bolder linework.
  • Don't use lines to detail hairs, it's just gonna look messy (a good example of that is the last image you posted).
  • Same reasoning for little details on the body : Nails, lips, privates, ears, eyebrows, nipples. Try to subdue those details a bit by using less lines (or thinner lines). You are giving yourself a lot of work and it makes your characters look a bit flat. For the hair think of it more like a single block, like a helmet that's covering the skull.
  • Your perspective is kinda weird on the last picture, kinda throwing me off.
  • Don't airbrush everything (soft gradient) for shading, try to block some shapes to underline the part of the body you want to show off. In fact, you would probably have a better aesthetic using cell-shading with the line work you are doing.
  • I don't know about using a texture on an entire figure like that, i would probably not do it.

Good luck for you project dude.
Thanks for your feedback.

Regrading line weight, now that I look closer I see what you mean especially on the smaller details, I will keep that in mind from now on. Also I think your right about the hair, I thought it would look good but it takes a lot of time to finish.

I'm not really used to digital painting or coloring, so I still have some to learn about the skill.

I'm trying to make a game with an art style similar to Evakiss's 'Good Girl Gone Bad', so I will have to see about using cell shading vs gradient.

Thanks again for your help, I appreciate it.