[R>Artist 2D] Paid A Unique Project looking for Artist and Writer


New Member
Sep 25, 2018

The game will be a cyberpunk, dystopian setting where humanity has reached the stars, with the prototype set within a slave mining base on a desert planet. The player will be a virus that has somehow gained sentience, and the idea is for the Player to decide whether escaping the base is their objective or simply taking over the base and play its inhabitants as its pawns.

- Myself as both Project Manager and Developer
- Developer
- Writer
- 2D Artist

Looking for:
- 2D Artist, someone who knows how to create backgrounds and has experience working with Unity

Employment Type:
- Paid.

Work commitment:
- Long term, part time.

Preferred method of contact:
- Email ([email protected]) for a start

Job Description:
- 2D Artists.
I need someone who is able to create backgrounds, some inanimate objects like map, buildings, etc.

Edit: Updated on who am I looking for, updated some details.
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Oct 29, 2019
hey, i would like to ask more detail on the writing framework, do you have any specific idea or topic that you want to be written or is it entirely up to the writer?

i'm really interested on participating on this project, i've never write for a game before, but i've write some short movie script and short story before.

anyway i'll be waiting for a reply, thanks


New Member
Sep 25, 2018
hey, i would like to ask more detail on the writing framework, do you have any specific idea or topic that you want to be written or is it entirely up to the writer?

i'm really interested on participating on this project, i've never write for a game before, but i've write some short movie script and short story before.

anyway i'll be waiting for a reply, thanks
Thank you for the interest. Here are some more details for both writing and the project in general.

This is not a Player-centric game, instead the world lives as its own while the Player affects changes upon it, think Rimworld where you play as a colony within a wider world/universe.

My plan is to build the world in layers, example, say a steampunk world where fantasy races exist, or a stone age era where gods are alive and fighting among themselves. Then we scale down to the colony level, who are there, why are they there, then the individuals within that colony their personality and their needs. I hope this will generate interesting interactions and stories (written by writers), the Player can then chose how he/she will engage with the NPCs/World at large.

At this moment I have no idea whether this will be fun, so I am building a prototype to test this idea out and has reached the point where I need art assets and a background story/world to place it within so I can start the actual development.

That is where I need an artist to help me with art assets, character design and writers to build the world.

Personally I have many ideas about how the world will look like, but since I am still at an early stage I want to see how other talented people have in their mind (I am always amazed by the worlds people like Brandon Sanderson, Mark Lawrence and Cixin Liu can create). Thus, I would like to commission a few writers to see what kind of world they can craft (without limits) to set the game within. Then I may chose or mix them up before diving deeper into the next level, so on and so forth.

Hope that answers your question.
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New Member
Sep 25, 2018
I think I may want to put up slightly more information here.

This game wouldn't be a visual novel. It will be more of a simulation game (no grind), with events and story lines that fire off based on circumstances. Control wise instead it will be something similar to Princess Maker where you may get to see more details about a particular character and gain options to interact or influence said character.


New Member
Sep 25, 2018
Thank you for everyone's interest so far, here is a little update.

I am currently working with a writer to design the story and the story for the prototype's setting, the writer is also designing a couple of detailed characters for me. The game will be a cyberpunk, dystopian setting where humanity has reached the stars, with the prototype set within a slave mining base on a desert planet. The player will be a virus that has somehow gained sentience, and the idea is for the Player to decide whether escaping the base is their objective or simply taking over the base and play its inhabitants as its pawns.

In the Art aspect, I will be commissioning some artists to see what they can produce based on the writer's description and the background setting before choosing any particular art style. If there are any 2D artists or experienced Pixel Artists who are still interested feel free to contact me if you are interested.

I am working on a Game Design Doc - which is in its early stages - to get the gameplay down before I start full development, I will update again once more details are firmed down.

Feel free to contact me through Gmail if you are interested in the project or just want to discuss about ideas. I apologize if my replies are slow as I may need to rescue your email from my spam box :)