[R>Artist 3D] 3D animator for hire. Paid.

DreamBig Games

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 27, 2017
- Unnamed Brothel simulator game; 3D

-DreamBig Games and others

Looking for:
-3D animator

Employment Type:
-paid per animation

Work commitment:
-Full time or part-time. As long as you deliver on time, we don't care

Preferred method of contact:
-Here or my discord:

Job Description:
-We need someone to animate a genesis 8 ( daz3d ) character/ skeleton and create animations of sexy/ strip dances. We are using Gen 8 character with a basic rig ( if it helps, if not you will have to create your own rig ) . The project requires 3 dances, each around 2 minutes, 2 not using a strip pole, 1 using a strip pole, for now, but there is a possibility this can extend to more dances and sexual animations.
Very important: The Daz3D skeleton must be used and can't be moded. Also, we need high quality, real-life looking animations ( not something you can do after using Daz or Maya for 3 weeks ). You can animate in your own software, but we need FBX files.

( from minute 10 to 14 )

These videos are just for reference/ inspiration, not to be used as exact references to copy the moves from.

Additional comments:
Thanks for your interest.


Active Member
Jul 30, 2018
You seriously need to look at what you are asking. 6 minutes of animation is a shit ton of work and render time, especially as you want some pretty complex movement and high quality/real life looking animations. It most likely requires creating key frames with a new pose for the character a couple times a second (could easily be a 1000+ poses total), with shape-keys to fix morphing issues. And then it all needs to rendered; all of the 8640 frames. Even on a beast of a computer for an amateur developer, you would easily look at several weeks/more then a month of render time.

Unless you are willing to throw a couple thousand dollars on these animations for somebody to clear his whole schedule for the next 2-3 months to work on this non-stop, you should really look into what you are expecting to find here. This is more something for professional animators with access to render farms, and those wont be cheap. There is a reason why games with animations use very simple 1-2 second loops as animations. Animations take a shit ton of work, time and effort.
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